LGD + 2866 Epic Stack – 8 week cycle

Now Only  $568.00

This stack contains 2x LGD-4033 and 2x MK-2866.

Combining the 2 best SARMs for body recomposition will offer insane results for lean muscle mass, strength and fat loss.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

  • Highly anabolic with results similar to anabolic steroids
  • Fast recovery time
  • Excellent for recomposition
  • Contains healing properties
  • Can prevent muscle deterioration
  • Works well as a stand alone or stacked
  • Excellent for strength and size

MK-2866 (Ostarine)

  • Highly Anabolic even at moderate doses
  • Excellent for lean mass gains
  • Truly shines when used for body recomposition
  • Helps increase endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
  • Joint and Injury healing abilities
  • Great sense of well being while on
  • Large increases in strength